KVM and Xen SSH-pull Monitoring 4.4

KVM and Xen can be monitored with this ssh based monitoring system. The OpenNebula frontend starts a driver which triggers ssh connections to the hosts which return the monitoring information of the host and of all the virtual machines running within.



  • ssh access from the frontends to the hosts as oneadmin without password has to be possible.
  • ruby is required in the hosts.
  • KVM hosts: libvirt must be enabled.
  • Xen hosts: sudo access to run xl or xm and xentop as oneadmin.

OpenNebula Configuration

Enabling the Drivers

To enable this monitoring system /etc/one/oned.conf must be configured with the following snippets:


IM_MAD = [
      name       = "kvm",
      executable = "one_im_ssh",
      arguments  = "-r 0 -t 15 kvm-probes" ]

Xen 3.x:

IM_MAD = [
    name       = "xen",
    executable = "one_im_ssh",
    arguments  = "-r 0 -t 15  xen3-probes" ]

Xen 4.x:

IM_MAD = [
    name       = "xen",
    executable = "one_im_ssh",
    arguments  = "-r 0 -t 15 xen4-probes" ]

The arguments passed to this driver are:

  • -r: number of retries when monitoring a host
  • -t: number of threads, i.e. number of hosts monitored at the same time

Monitoring Configuration Parameters

OpenNebula allows to customize the general behaviour of the whole monitoring subsystem:

Parameter Description
MONITORING_INTERVAL Time in seconds between host and VM monitorization. It must have a value greater than the manager timer
HOST_PER_INTERVAL Number of hosts monitored in each interval.
VM_PER_INTERVAL Number of VMs monitored in each interval.

:!: VM_PER_INTERVAL is only relevant in case of host failure when OpenNebula pro-actively monitors each VM.

The information gathered by the probes is also stored in a monitoring table. This table is used by Sunstone to draw monitoring graphics and can be queried using the OpenNebula API. The size of this table can be controlled with:

Parameter Description
HOST_MONITORING_EXPIRATION_TIME Time, in seconds, to expire monitoring information. Use 0 to disable HOST monitoring recording.
VM_MONITORING_EXPIRATION_TIME Time, in seconds, to expire monitoring information. Use 0 to disable VM monitoring recording.


In order to test the driver, add a host to OpenNebula using onehost, specifying the defined IM driver:

<xterm> $ onehost create ursa06 –im xen –vm xen –net dummy </xterm>

Now give it time to monitor the host (this time is determined by the value of MONITORING_INTERVAL in /etc/one/oned.conf). After one interval, check the output of onehost list, it should look like the following:

<xterm> $ onehost list

 0 ursa06          -           0       0 / 400 (0%)     0K / 7.7G (0%) on


Host management information is logged to /var/log/one/oned.log. Correct monitoring log lines look like this:

Fri Nov 22 12:02:26 2013 [InM][D]: Monitoring host ursa06 (0)
Fri Nov 22 12:02:30 2013 [InM][D]: Host ursa06 (0) successfully monitored.

Both lines have the ID of the host being monitored.

If there are problems monitoring the host you will get an err state:

<xterm> $ onehost list

 0 ursa06          -           0       0 / 400 (0%)     0K / 7.7G (0%) err


The way to get the error message for the host is using onehost show command, specifying the host id or name:

<xterm> $ onehost show 0 […] MONITORING INFORMATION ERROR=[

MESSAGE="Error monitoring host 0 : MONITOR FAILURE 0 Could not update remotes",
TIMESTAMP="Nov 22 12:02:30 2013" ]


The log file is also useful as it will give you even more information on the error:

Mon Oct  3 15:26:57 2011 [InM][I]: Monitoring host ursa06 (0)
Mon Oct  3 15:26:57 2011 [InM][I]: Command execution fail: scp -r /var/lib/one/remotes/. ursa06:/var/tmp/one
Mon Oct  3 15:26:57 2011 [InM][I]: ssh: Could not resolve hostname ursa06: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
Mon Oct  3 15:26:57 2011 [InM][I]: lost connection
Mon Oct  3 15:26:57 2011 [InM][I]: ExitCode: 1
Mon Oct  3 15:26:57 2011 [InM][E]: Error monitoring host 0 : MONITOR FAILURE 0 Could not update remotes

In this case the node ursa06 could not be found in the DNS or /etc/hosts.

Tuning & Extending

The probes are specialized programs that obtain the monitor metrics. Probes are defined for each hypervisor, and are located at /var/lib/one/remotes/im/<hypervisor>-probes.d for Xen and KVM.

You can easily write your own probes or modify existing ones, please see the Information Manager Drivers guide. Remember to synchronize the monitor probes in the hosts using onehost sync as described in the Managing Hosts guide.