Command Line Interface for ONE TP2

OpenNebula provides two commands to interact with the system:

  • onevm: to submit, control and monitor virtual machines
  • onehost: to add, delete and monitor hosts


These two commands share common options that are described here:

  • -l, –list x,y,z: Selects columns to display with list command.
  • –list-columns: Information about the columns available to display, order or filter.
  • -o, –order x,y,z: Order by these columns, column starting with - means decreasing order.
  • -f, –filter x,y,z: Filter data. An array is specified with column=value pairs.
  • -d, –delay seconds: Sets the delay in seconds for top command.
  • -h, –help: Shows help information.
  • -v, –version: Shows version and copyright information.


This command enables the user to manage virtual machines in the Open Nebula server. The user can allocate, deploy, migrate, suspend, resume and shutdown a virtual machine with the functionality present in onevm.

    onevm [<options>] <command> [<parameters>]

Command Summary


Submits a new virtual machine, adding it to the ONE VM pool. It requires the filename of the VM template.

    onevm submit <template>


Starts a previously submitted VM on a specific host

    onevm deploy <vm_id> <host_id>


Shutdown an already deployed VM

    onevm shutdown <vm_id>   


Migrates a running VM to another host without downtime

    onevm livemigrate <vm_id> <host_id>   


Saves a running VM and starts it again in the specified host

    onevm migrate <vm_id> <host_id>


Saves a running VM

    onevm suspend <vm_id> 


Resumes the execution of a saved VM

    onevm resume <vm_id>   

delete Deletes a VM from the pool

    onevm delete <vm_id>


Shows VMs in the pool

    onevm list   


Gets information about a specific VM

    onevm show <vm_id>


Lists VMs continuously

    onevm top


Gets history from VMs, if no vm_id is provided it will list history for all known VMs

    onevm history [<vm_id> <vm_id> ...]

Information Columns

ID ONE VM identifier
NAME Name of the ONE
STAT Status of the VM
CPU CPU percentage used by the VM
MEM Memory used by the VM
HOSTNAME Host where the VM is being or was run
TIME Time since the submission of the VM (days hours:minutes:seconds

VM States

pend pending
hold VM on hold (not runnable)
stop stopped
susp suspended
done finished
prol prolog
boot booting
runn running
migr migrating
save saving the VM to disk
epil epilog
shut shutting down


This command enables the user to manage hosts in the Open Nebula server. It provides functionality to allocate, get information and delete a particular host or to list all the available hosts.

    onehost <command> [<parameters>]

Command Summary


Adds a new machine to the pool

    onehost add <hostname> <im_mad> <vmm_mad>

im_mad and vmm_mad as written in oned.conf.


Gets info from a single host

    onehost show <host_id>


Removes a machine from the pool

    onehost delete <host_id>


Lists machines in the pool

    onehost list


Enables host

    onehost enable <host_id>


Disables host

    onehost disable <host_id>


Lists hosts continuously

    onehost top

Information Columns

NAME Host name
RVM Number of running VMs
TCPU Total CPU (percentage)
FCPU Free CPU (percentage)
ACPU Available CPU (not allocated by VMs)
TMEM Total memory
FMEM Free memory
STAT Host status